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Trademark Registration in Palakkad

Trademark gives the company credibility that the Name, Logo, Slogan/Tagline, etc of the company belongs only to the company and is distinct from the others. This retains other companies from copying or using your logo or the name of the company.

Trademark registration is a daunting process, you have to find a unique name, logo and tagline for your company and check if there are any companies already registered with the same. But with SV Consultant you never have to worry about that. We can take care of your Trademark registration in Palakkad.

We have several years of experience with Trademark registration in Palakkad and we are one of the best Trademark registration consultants in Palakkad. As trademarks are one of the assets to the company, we suggest everyone who runs or starts a business to register for a trademark in Palakkad.

Is Trademark mandatory?

Trademark registration in Palakkad is not mandatory but it gives a competitive edge to your business as it increases the credibility and trust factor of your business. It is recommended to have your company trademark registered as it avoids duplication and misuse.

As we have mentioned earlier, it is quite a daunting process. We can help you with the trademark registration procedure in Palakkad. First, you have to do a Trademark search in Palakkad. The name and the logo you feel right should not overlap other registered company name and logo.

Once you have decided the name that does not overlap, you can register for the same with the Trademark Registry in India. Upon registration, the organisation examines the business, name and logo of the company.

Once you have been issued with the Trademark, you can publish it in all your promotional materials, websites and other places like hoardings, etc. Furthermore, you also have to renew the trademark every 10 years.

The trademark registration fee in Palakkad depends if you are registering per class of the company or an individual. The fee for registering trademark per application per class is 9000 INR for companies and 4500 INR per application per individual.

Our Service Area

  • We SV Consultant extended our branch in Kerala to provide you the superlative web services with professionals' help. With many years of experience in Tamil Nadu by undertaking multiple projects, we gained more involvement and proficiency in this field
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No.89/99, N.G. Narayana SwamyStreet,New Sidhapudur,Gandhipuram, Coimbatore.


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