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Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration

Trademark is an identity that you give your organization or brand or products to be considered distinct in the market. This protects the product from duplication of products and disloyalty. It enhances the quality of the work and gives the consumers a sense of reliability. Trademark registration procedures in South India are easier than ever with the right guidance and support. That is exactly why choosing SV Consultant along the process would make your journey worthwhile.

Eligibility to get Trademark Registration Done

You can trademark anything from your product, abbreviation, advertisement, music, pictures to even your own name, so it becomes a brand. And it ensures security. Any product or service is likely to be copied, plagiarized or even stolen one day. Trademark provides a legal security to your identity. Any company whether it is a private firm, sole proprietorship, one person company or even a multi -national one, is eligible to get itself registered for trademark.

All you need to have is your identity proofs, Udyam registration form, PAN and Aadhar copies ready. And you are all set to go!

Procedures Involved in TM Registration

Trademark registration is a step-by-step process and it goes as the following

We help you to undergo a Trademark Search where you get acquainted with numerous availabilities of similar marks in the industry
The next step is to choose the appropriate class that your product/ service belongs to and gather relevant documents. There are 45 trademark classes, if you don’t know already!
The last step is to file an application form for trademark filing.

Trademark Opposition and Objection

There might be a few cases where the examiner might find a few issues pertaining to violation of trademark regulations. This is called as Trademark Objection. There is another scenario where another company or brand might raise an opposition to yours. In such cases a well drafted response to the objection needs to be produced. We also help you in such emergencies with the whole response and reaction.
Request a call back from us to gain more information regarding Trademark Registration procedures in South India.

Trademark Opposition and Objection

There might be a few cases where the examiner might find a few issues pertaining to violation of trademark regulations. This is called as Trademark Objection. There is another scenario where another company or brand might raise an opposition to yours. In such cases a well drafted response to the objection needs to be produced. We also help you in such emergencies with the whole response and reaction.

Request a call back from us to gain more information regarding Trademark Registration procedures in South India.

  • SV Consultant is proud in launching our services across South India. With years of experience and expertise in handling queries regarding registration processes, guidance on government certifications. We provide one stop solutions for your needs.
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